Sought After Species by Collectors!
With more than 24 years hunting experience, Africa Expectation Safari’s is one of Africa’s most experienced rare animal specialists for sought after species by the novice, collector hunters and fisherman.
We offer all the small cats and Speciality Animals of Africa. Most people are familiar with the big cats, Leopard and Lion clearly rule the plains, but so few people know that there are other nocturnal wonderers, a collector’s dream to hunt.
All safaris are tailored to our client’s desired species!
The African Civet, Caracal, and African Wild Cat are three examples of the small cats available for hunting. In addition there is Lesser & Greater Genet, Serval, Bushpig (Its lower tusks holds the same serious danger to anybody than does a dagger of 9 inches, and the below-mentioned available.
- African Wildcat
- Aardwolf*
- Black-Backed Jackal
- Bushpig
- Caracal
- Honey Badger*
- Porcupine
- Serval*
- Spotted Genet
- White Tailed Mongoose
* Special permits required.
Since these animals are nocturnal, dusk to early morning is the best time to find them out and about, although daytime hunting with dogs for Serval, Bushpig and Caracal is available.
Two simple methods are used to get the nocturnal species into shooting position. Both utilize lamping of one type or another.
First like Leopard, the smaller cats are attracted to dead animals, their source of food, so we utilize blinds while hunting over baits and combine it with lamping of one type or another.
The second method can be fun for the whole family. As we drive you around the wilds of Africa spot lighting for the speciality animals, you get to see the plains game of the day in their night time roles. Don’t be fooled by how easy this method sounds. Hunting these nocturnal wanderers by spot light is no walk in the park, but behind every bush lays another surprise waiting to be discovered.
You will be able to search at night for that elusive trophy that you have been seeking on a network of low and high fence farms that Africa Expectation has exclusive access to.